Como ya sabréis el 15 de Diciembre fue detenida en Madrid la compañera anarquista Tamara. Se la condujo hasta Barcelona por orden del juzgado de instrucción numero 25. Se le acusa del envio de un paquete explosivo dirigido a Albert Batlle i Bastardas, secretario de Servicios Penitenciarios de Catalunya, en el marco de una campaña de lucha por la libertad de Amadeu Caselles.
El jueves después de declarar la jueza decretó prisión preventiva y se la trasladó a la prisión de Wad-Ras en Barcelona. Esa misma noche compañerxs solidarixs se acercarton hasta la cárcel gritando consignas y tirando petardos para hacerle llegar su apoyo y demostrarle que en ningún momento se le va a dejar sola.
El envío se produjo en octubre, en el marco de una campaña de lucha contra el sistema penitenciario y en solidaridad con el preso Amadeu Casellas, en esos momentos en huelga de hambre, y mientras un grupo de personas solidarias se concentraban en la calle y frente al edificio, en solidaridad con Amadeu, y para solicitar una entrevista con dicho responsable. La presencia policial, fue la habitual en este tipo de concentraciones y en ningún momento se avisó, ni a lxs concentradxs, ni a lxs trabajadorxs del edificio.
Todos los medios de información difundieron que se trataba de un envío de escasa potencia y que por ese motivo fue explosionado de forma controlada en el mismo edificio por los artificieros del Tedax de los Mossos de Esquadra, sin que nadie se percatara de la detonación. Tampoco se desalojó el edificio, lo que confirma la poca efectividad de la sustancia explosiva. En algún medio de comunicación y en diferentes foros, algunos funcionarixs que se encontraban trabajando en el edificio ese día, se quejaron de que nadie les advirtiera de dicha situación, lo que pone en duda la peligrosidad del supuesto explosivo.
Ese mismo día, Albert Batlle se encontraba en el edificio, y un grupo de personas del grupo de apoyo entre las que se encontraba la madre de Amadeu, entraron hasta el vestíbulo del edificio para solicitar una entrevista que, pese a las promesas no les ha sido concedida aún. En ese mismo momento, también hizo acto de aparición, la Consellera de Justicia Montserrat Tura, que se reunió con Albert Batlle, tras una puerta en la zona del vestíbulo. En todo momento, se aseguró que el envío tenía muy poca cantidad de explosivo, y por eso tanto el Director de Serveis Penitenciaris, como la Consellera de Justicia, no tomaron medidas especiales e incluso se reunieron en el propio edificio. Lo más preocupante de dicha situación, ha sido todo el silencio y oscurantismo con el que llevaron esta situación, lo que abre la sospecha a que frente a una situación que probablemente no comportaba un riesgo real, hayan creado toda una alarma social para preparar una acusación fiscal completamente desproporcionada: asesinato en grado de tentativa.
El viernes por la mañana, cuando su familia y amigxs se acercaron hasta la cárcel para visitarla se enteraron de que había sido trasladada a la prisión de Can Brians
Una vez más, el Estado utiliza las detenciones y los encarcelamientos para aterrorizar a aquellas y aquellos que plantan cara a la sinrazón represiva de un sistema que necesita de las prisiones para controlar la pobreza y la rebeldía que él mismo suscita.
De nuevo nosotrxs llamamos a la solidaridad y a la extensión de la lucha, por la libertad de Tamara y de todas nosotras.
Malgrat que es va difondre que Tamara seria empresonada preventivament en el C.P. de Wad Ras, sembla que dies després la van traslladar a:
C.P. Brians - Dones
Carretera de Martorell a Capellades, km 23
08635 Sant Esteve Sesrovires
A pesar de que se difundió que Tamara sería encarcelada preventivamente en el C.P. de Wad Ras, parece que días después la trasladaron a:
C.P. Brians - Dones
Carretera de Martorell a Capellades, km 23
08635 Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Recopilación de información en ingles y la convocatoria
Today Thursday 17 of December Tamara, an anarchist comrade from Madrid, has been imprisoned in the woman's prison of Wad-Ras. She is accused of having sent an explosive package to Albert Batlle, secretary of penitentiary services of the Catalan regional government.
The action was in october, during a campagn in struggle against the penitentiary sistem and in solidarity with the prisoner Amadeu Casellas, in that moment on hunger strike.
Again the state utilises the detentions and the imprisonments to terrorize those
that [planten cara] to the repressive [bogeria] of a sistem that needs prison to control the poverty and the rebellion that it produces.
Again we call for solidarity and the extension of the struggle, for the freedom of Tamara and for all of us.
The Civil Guard has detained the militant anarchist Tamara Hernández Heras as the presumed responsible for the mailing of a letter bomb to the chair of the Penitentiary Services of the Regional Governement of Catalonia the last 7th of October, sources of investigation have informes EFE.
The Detention of Tamara Hernández Heras was ordered by the titular judgment of instruction #25 of Barcelona for a presumed crime of atempted homicide.
The agaents have also made a house inspection in the locality of Getafe.
The investigation was initiated by the Mossos d'Equadra (catalan national police), who are in charge of the disactivation of the bomb, of scant potency, and of the caligraphical studies of the letter. The detainee will pass to the judicial disposition possibly the next thursday.
Communique in respect to the December 15th detention in Madrid
by Anarchist Black Cross
Tamara is accused of sending a small explosive artefact to Penitentiary Institutions. Justice and mass media newly united against the movement of prisoner support.
Once again the medias have made us knowers today of the detention in Getafe of an anarchist comrade. And once more the media shamelessly lie with a clear criminalising intention that we want to denounce here.
Coming from where it comes, we don't assign any credibility to that which is affirmed, that the comrade T.H.H was the responsible of sending a package bomb to the department of prisons of the Catalonial regional government last October. We don't believe it, but we don't interpret it wrongly either. She, the same as all comrades repressed by the state, has our unconditional support as much if she is the person responsible for the deeds of which they accuse as if she isn't. We simply dont enter into these types of considerations.
We are left then with a very serious doubt that her authoring of the deeds of which she is accused is certain, a deep doubt that aquired consistency at the time in which we are writing this text, when from sources of her defense, we have known that the dependencies of the police in those which are found detained are the barracks of the G.C. of Arroyo Molino, where tomorrow in the morning a declaration is expected to be made. The time of the detention is not exhausted by much , niether have they applied any special legislation, that which with all the pertinent reservations due to that the situation is still confusing, brings us to think that there is no solid base for the accusation.
This doesn't impede that the medias still continue speaking of the comrade as "a leader of the CNA". Qualifying her as leader they simply define: They are incapable of concieving that in the world could exist something that doesn't fight though a hierarchical relation. To say that she is integrated in the structure of CNA is completely false. This also defines the card that the media are playing.
Let's clear up the meaning of this lie. When the bodies of police try to make an accusation concrete, just like the prosecutor, they try to carry everything to the extreme degree. A degree that when it is a trait of an affair of political nature, is none other than trying to make an accusation of "belonging to an armed gang". This penal figure, to formalise itself, can precisely link the person with an organisation that, in accord to the shared international normative has a series of formalities such as permanence in time, known revindications, etc. That which has given place to that in certain occasions have appeared acronyms of inexistant organisations, or of that in others, like now the person is linked with an existant one, though not all the supposed catagories are fulfilled. In the definitive, of what it appears is of solving a technical problem to magnify the accusation and in this occasion, one more time, the medias have come to show themselves as the lackeys that are at the service of the repression.
All our solidarity for the detained comrade and our desire that tomorrow we can have her with us again. All our contempt towards those who screen old wives tales like the denounced, with the clear intention of destroying the life of one person and still furthermore, this is the ultimate end of the repression, trying to dissolve all the social interlocked that is shown antagonistic in the words and the deeds.
Salute and Anarchy.
deration of Groups of CNA Iberian Peninsula
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